Sunday, May 26, 2019

Configuring Call Center functionality in LS Retail - Part 2

Call Center functionality in LS Retail

Let us start with second part of our Call Center series in LS Retail. If you have missed the first part then here is the link for it. Let us begin to setup the basic things for the call center. 

Below is the  architecture for the Call center. Call center will have separate database. Head office Database cannot act as call center. You need to create separate database for the call center. 

For Call center setup main area of interest for the consultant is Call center DB. All the configuration should be done on the call center DB. Once configuration is done correctly on the call center DB then data can be easily pushed to the restaurant.

Elements which need it to be setup in CC database are the following.

1. Make store card as CC
2. Make terminals like CC001, CC002 and attach to the restaurant
3. Assign restaurant which too CC store for which call center functionality would work
4. Each Restaurant will have separate functionality profile. Functionality profile cannot be repeated for the stores.
5. Web services setup in the CC database.
6. Distribution Locations in the CC database

Tomorrow i would cover each setup with proper configuration and assisting image for better understanding. Till then stay tuned


  1. Set up Call Center by just following this 3 simple steps- 1) Sign up and login to CallHippo 2) Verify and choose a number3) Buy a number 7 make payment

  2. The information you have posted is very useful. The sites you have referred was good. Thanks for sharing.. <a href=">Call center solution Bahrain</a>

  3. This is excellent info! You did a great job explaining the way call center systems operate. I am personally using a range of features in coordination with my virtual phone numbers which enables some excellent streamlining in my virtual call center. Highly recommend!
