Thursday, November 19, 2020

Ghost Dining Table(Table Locked) - Microsoft Dynamics Business Central/LS Retail


Ghost Tables - Microsoft Dynamics Business Central/LS Retail

When you use hospitality module in the LS retail, you bound to use the Dining Table Management. Dining Table Management is a fundamental part of LS Hospitality. It helps you run your dining table service with ease and accuracy.

There are certain instances which make the dining table stuck on the layout, it means you can not take orders. 

It looks something like this.

I am not sure why this happens and this generally happens randomly. This may be because of the bug or setup issue. We tried to report to LS to with regards to this. I didn't reach any conclusion. 

We decided to temporary fix the issue by providing the button on the page. Clear table clears the dining table status table to unlock the table again,

Saturday, November 7, 2020

What are replication counters in LS Retail/LS Central?

Replication Counters

Replication counters is the field which are present in the transaction tables in LS Retail. This is a type of integer field which updates when data on the transaction table is inserted or modified. Please find the base code on Transaction Header (Table ID:- 99001472) table in LS Retail. 

Replication Counter

Replication counter gets updated on every record insert or modify. Next question comes into my mind why replication counter needs to be updated?

As you know from my previous post, Transaction data gets replicated from Store to HO.There would be continously transaction getting inserted in the transaction tables like Trans. Sales Entry, Trans. Payment entry Etc. Replication counters helps LS to understand from where the data needs to replicated to the HO. 


Consider there is only 1 store and 1 HO. The transactional data flows from store to HO. As all the sales happens in the store. On the daily basis LS transfers data from Store to HO. In order to transfer only new records on daily basis, LS updates Replication counter on the transaction tables in store and the same replication counter system maintains in the Scheduler replication counter table(99001593). This way system know which are the new records which needs to transferred.